This page is rather like a blog where I posted mostly links to other materials for my students. It is a project that started in early September 2016.

If you find a mistake or a broken link, please inform Juan José, who is responsible for this page.

You can read here about the flipped classroom, a method of work which we will often use this year, and whose main features will be explained in class.

TIP: use CTRL+ or move the scroll wheel while you hold down the CTRL key to make the text bigger and easier to read.
A-level English
UNIT 1Verb tense revision & relative clauses
UNIT 2Verbs followed by -ing or inf
UNIT 3Reported speech (revision) & connectors
UNIT 4Passive voice (revision)
UNIT 5Conditionals / I wish
UNIT 6Modals
UNIT 7Grammar review: rephrasing & exam practice.
ExtraExtra activities.

Before we start...

Go on to UNIT 1: Verb tense revision & relative clauses.